I would firstly like to say that the Staff and Partners at Rothmans greatly appreciate the prompt and efficient service we receive from all personnel at Oaklands.
More specifically your support is just what we require and that is a diligent and courteous service. Your support ticketing service works well and gives us a reference if we have to return to an issue that has troubled us in the past.
We find that both your Director’s and Staff’s technical knowledge is of the highest standard and Rothmans completely rely on this, to the extent that we pass on your advice and views, when relevant, to our other business partners at Partners’ Meetings.
We find that if a particular issue on a PC escalates then Oaklands prioritise and resolve the issue as swiftly as possible.
Fundamentally we are running a business here and we need first class I.T. support and we feel that is what we are receiving from Oakland Associates.